martedì 18 marzo 2008

30 words


hey..I'm not so bad...the test is in English and..English is not surely my mother-tongue. :p

domenica 16 marzo 2008

I've just planted the pumpkin seeds blessed during the last Candelora...With a little
help from weather we'll have wonderful Jack O'lanterns next Samhain.

giovedì 13 marzo 2008

For all those who died...

For all those who died-
stripped naked, shaved, shorn.

For all those who screamed
in vain to the Great Goddess
only to have their tongues
ripped out at the root.

For all those who were pricked, racked, broken on the wheel
for the sins of their Inquisitors.

For all those whose beauty
stirred their torturers to fury;
& for all those whose ugliness did the same.

For all those who were neither ugly nor beautiful,
but only women who would not submit.

For all those quick fingers
broken in the vise.

For all those soft arms
pulled from their sockets.

For all those budding breasts
ripped with hot pincers.

For all those midwives killed merely for the sin
of delivering man
to an imperfect world.

For all those witch-women, my sisters,
who breathed freer
as the flames took them,

knowing as they shed
their female bodies,
the seared flesh falling like fruit
in the flames,

that death alone would cleanse them
of the sin for which they died

the sin of being born a woman,
who is more than the sum
of her parts.

© Erica Mann Jong

martedì 11 marzo 2008

The Cats Will Know*

Again the rain will fall
on the sweet pavements,
a light rain
like a breath or a footstep.
Again the breeze and the dawn
will blossom lightly
beneath your footstep
as you reenter.
Among flowers and sills
the cats will know it.

There will be other days.
There will be other voices.
You will smile alone.
The cats will know it.
You will hear antique words,
tired and empty words
like the disused costumes
from yesterday's festivals.

You too will make gestures.
You will respond with words—
face of Spring,
you too will make gestures.

The cats will know it,
face of Spring;
and the light rain,
the hyacinth-color dawn,
that tears the heart of one
who no longer longs for you,
they are the sad smile
you smile alone.
There will be other days,
other voices and awakenings.
We will suffer at dawn,
face of Spring.

venerdì 7 marzo 2008

Oggi è venerdi (giorno di venere)e quindi la beauty farm della strega è aperta.
E' in programma:
Scrub viso corpo con miele grezzo e olio d'oliva extravergine di prima spremitura!(sono i vantaggi di avere un padre che proviene dalla zona piu'"genuinamente
agropastorale" dell'isola delle Salamandre...(io battezzo cosi' la mia regione...anche se mi dicono che ora la zona genuina sta sotto 10cm di neve!)
Maschera schiarente al bianco d'uovo per rendere l'incarnato piu' bello e luminoso
....e...altre cosucce che se continuoa stare qui con la tazza del capuccino ormai freddo in una mano col cavolo che finisco tutto prima d'andare a lavoro!!!
Vorrei che Laura stesse qui con me a pastrocchiare ...:(

giovedì 6 marzo 2008


Women & cats will do as they please, men & dogs should relax and get used to the idea."
~ Robert A. Heinlein

"Le Donne ed i Gatti faranno ciò che vogliono,
gli uomini ed i cani dovrebbero rilassarsi
ed abituarsi all'idea"

(R. A. Heinlein)